Private Swim Lessons in North Hollywood and LA

Stride Aquatics is happy to offer swim instruction at our North Hollywood pool. Our NoHo pool is unique, with its own restroom facilities and a cozy water temperature of 90 degrees. We also heat the cement to 75 degrees!

We also offer pools in Tampa, Fla., and are planning more locations in 2023, so please check back if you’re looking for a specific location, or contact us.

Address for North Hollywood Pool: 

5557 Strohm Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601

Phone Number: 818-643-7452

Pool Hours: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Instructors at this pool: Derek,

Each of our branch locations are locally operated

LA Travel Instructors: Kendra, Karissa, Ali

Learning to swim reduces the risk of drowning by 88%.